Modern Hackers Good-Bad-Both

I have explained some of the description and history of a hacker on post¹: I want to refocus on the 3 types of hackers: White, Gray, and Black hat. The White hat hacker is the good guy, the black hat is the bad evil guy, and the grey hat does both good and bad. This  … Read more

Hackers Please Attack Us

What does this Headline mean to you?  From the Talos Intelligence website¹. The text may be a bit hard to read, so here it is: Intel HD Graphics Windows Kernel Driver (igdkmd64) Code Execution Vulnerability Vulnerability: CVE-2016-5647 Summary: A vulnerability exists in the communication functionality of Intel Graphics Kernel Mode Driver. A specially crafted message can cause … Read more

IoT Botnet Can DDoS Your Webserver

Ok it happened as some predicted last year: A botnet was found¹ (a collection of computers or in this case devices that are controlled by another computer) controlling a number of IoT (Internet of Things). These IoT devices were then told to attack a website thus causing a DDoS (Dynamic Denial of Service).  The website … Read more

Does Anybody Respect Cybersecurity?

There is a problem from the board rooms to the Human Resource departments¹ and more. In the nextgov article it a survey shows that Human resource departments rank cybersecurity  as “unimportant” or “very unimportant” So what does a Cybersecurity professional do? Tuck tail and run?  Mope i.e. be depressed? No we must educate. We must … Read more