May 1st – Happy New Month – Cybersecurity Important?

Yes it is May 1st  today – so I was wondering is Cybersecurity still a thing? Tip1 A good cybersecurity tip for May first is to update and strengthen your passwords. Regularly changing passwords and using strong, unique passwords for each account can significantly enhance your online security. Consider using a password manager to generate … Read more

51% of Survey Respondents Hacked- Means What?

A survey by  Pentera in a Hacker News Story says 51% of respondents said they were hacked. What does a statistic like that mean to you? Are you tired of seeing stats like that? Since you have not  been hacked yet, does it matter to you? Volkswagen breach is discussed in Cybernews story(went on for … Read more

Vishing Attacks on The Rise

What is Vishing? Voice phishing, also known as vishing, is the practice of eliciting information or attempting to influence action via the telephone.(from site) Recently, a large U.S. company fell victim to a cyber attack that leveraged sophisticated phishing techniques involving phone calls to gain access to the victim organization. Phishing campaigns continue to … Read more

Catch22 CyberDefending: Why Defense Always Behind

why is the defense always behind? Are there some things that we inherently do not like to do?If there is something that is denying us from doing what is necessary to create a good defense then we have to be mindful of these actions – let’s review some Catch22 items.     Let’s face it … Read more