Does Anybody Respect Cybersecurity?

There is a problem from the board rooms to the Human Resource departments¹ and more. In the nextgov article it a survey shows that Human resource departments rank cybersecurity  as “unimportant” or “very unimportant”

So what does a Cybersecurity professional do? Tuck tail and run?  Mope i.e. be depressed?

No we must educate. We must do it in such a way that it is entertaining… since people get jokes and other less serious matters. I am not kidding… Because telling people to patch on a regular basis, backup your computer don’t click on links in emails etc. does nothing appreciable.


We tend to be too serious and say NO you can’t do that a lot more than YES go ahead and use your computer like that. So the public at large has decided Cybersecurity is not important… Why? because it should be done automatically so do it already. Magically!

We must explain IT in a new way –

ALL code has flaws – just like the adage used to say don’t buy a car on Monday or Friday  as people did not build it well,  code is also not built without some flaws.

what exactly are these flaws? Some are security flaws that are not found until late in the production of code.

So let’s recap – New code (all code) when made has some flaws

The key is to find the flaws during and after the code was created, but sometimes we think there are no problems although security researchers find them later. Like I catalogeud them in this post³.



The attackers are using new methods to attack so that they can ransom your computers

from bitdefender² website:


study by Bitdefender in November 2015 on 3,009 Internet users from the US, France, Germany, Denmark, the UK and Romania offers a victim’s perspective on data loss through crypto-ransomware:

  • 50% of users can’t accurately identify ransomware as a type of threat that prevents or limits access to computer data.
  • Half of victims are willing to pay up to $500 to recover encrypted data.
  • Personal documents rank first among user priorities.
  • UK consumers would pay most to retrieve files
  • US users are the main target for ransomware.


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