News that Changes Cybersecurity

The Exchange server hack keeps on going:  : (April 13 story) Fortune 500s Hit by MS Exchange Breach Maybe still unaware. Although this article lists a lot of Fortune 500 companies with large budgets, they seem to have missed the Microsoft Exchange Server vulnerability fix. Probably the reason is that this specific problem was … Read more

China Copycats All – Problem?

There are massive attacks on our computer and network systems every day so that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) can keep surviving and subjecting it’s citizens and all people of the world. China is even copying the West’s Colonial experience with the Belt & Road Initiative. It is a perfect copy and ‘improvement’ by going … Read more

Exchange Server Attacks Just Beginning

This is a snowball rolling down the hill – the latest Dark Reading story discusses the latest thinking: “Attacks exploiting the flaws were first spotted in January. They initially were limited and targeted, seemingly for espionage: the adversaries primarily targeted specific email accounts. Microsoft attributed the activity to a group it calls Hafnium, believed to … Read more