OnePlus9 Made in China – Problematic?

The Android Phone One Plus 9 is made in China by BKK There seem to be lots of reviews like by Android Authority of this relatively new android phone. But no one is talking about the 900 pound Gorilla in the room or is that Elephant? – I always thought  elephants weighed more! I have … Read more

Why Bow To CCP (China)?

Why are we bowing to China, by that of course I mean CCP – Communist China Party or the way they like to say “Chinese Communist Party”. I want to be clear: I am against the CCP not the Chinese people.   Why are we letting them steal our IP(Intellectual Property)?  The CCP do not … Read more

China and your Cybersecurity is What?

Don’t you wish that Chuck Norris came out of retirement and took on the Chinese cyber hackers? First let us set the stage: We have discussed  in the past blogpost the ‘awakening moment’ of Chinese hacking into American companies: Here is the post  (I like to show you the full link so you are … Read more

Should You be able to Invest in Chinese Stocks? If China Hacks our Computer Networks?

On this Friday – for something slightly different on this website:   If China is hacking our computer networks as has been proven time and again – should people be allowed to buy Chinese  stocks on our Stock exchanges?   Since Chinese companies are partly directed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)due to all companies … Read more

FBI says: “China has Your Personal Data” From the FBI website the director Christopher Wray: “If you are an American adult, it is more likely than not that China has stolen your personal data. In 2017, the Chinese military conspired to hack Equifax and made off with the sensitive personal information of 150 million Americans—we’re talking nearly half of the American … Read more