Meaning of 49million Dell Information Hacked


Yes Dell API(Application Programming Interface) was hacked to the tune of 49 million customer records. (BleepingComputer article)

What does that mean? Fortunately the data did not have financial data, only the following:

“This data breach contained customer order data, including warranty information, service tags, customer names, installed locations, customer numbers, and order numbers.”

So the hackers found an insecure system or API  and took advantage of it by asking it all the information that the database had.

If you did not buy a Dell system or bought one from Amazon maybe your data is not in the hands of the criminal groups which are now digesting all the data to see how they will use it.

When I see this kind of news story, I see it as another aspect of data that will be used against us in the form of phishing emails.

Mr. “Dell Customer” you have not kept up with the warranty ….  here is a link to the warranty update (it is a nominal cost). Heck it could be no cost as long as you enter your credit card into the evil hackers webserver.

Yes well, I do not really want to write phishing emails for the hackers.

Needless to say this and many other hacks of troves of data will just increase the likelihood of spam coming into all of our mailboxes.

I have of course discussed phishing before: Oversitesentry poston may22,2022

tips and tricks against phishing
tips and tricks against a phishing cyberattack


Also the Nov17,22 post discussing calendar invites as phishing emails

And finally you can buy my Guidebook  for $9 to see more examples of email phishing and text (smishing) to a phone that have actually come into my mailbox or phone.