Printer Drivers Could Cause a Breach?

Yes it was bound to happen – your printer driver can cause a cybersecurity breach:   (voidsec blog site) It is interesting to note the Conclusion of the blogpost:   Conclusion The buffer, initialized with all zeroes, is the only reference in all of the data segments and it is only used in the … Read more

$92 Million Total Ransomware Payments Paid Out so Far

DarkSide Ransomware as a service (RaaS)  criminal group got close to $5 million to decrypt locked systems at Colonial Pipeline Story Specialist hackers are selling their skillsets on the open darknet market.  Another Technewsworld article.  What is happening is that the hackers are now not only working on encrypting data and asking for bitcoin … Read more

Cyber Tips and News May24

Yes issuing cyber Tips and news: Cisco vulnerability can cause some software to be compromised if not updated.  Cisco Prime Infrastructure and Cisco Evolved Programmable Network Manager Command Injection Vulnerability (5/19/21) Workarounds:  No workarounds available Cisco Bug IDs:  CSCvw07763  CSCvw67903 CVSS Score:   Base 8.8 Vulnerable Products This vulnerability affects Cisco Prime Infrastructure releases earlier than Release … Read more