China Attacking News Sites Now & CISA Agency Declares Patch This Bug Now!

Threatpost has the stories – “China Suspected of News Corp Cyberespionage Attack” media giant news Corp was attacked with BEC (the most likely method of attack) Business Email Compromise.   Here is an excellent FBI explanation of BEC. In a BEC scam, criminals send an email message that appears to come from a known source making … Read more

What Does Segmentation DonaldTrumpMalware and Liverpool Football have in Common?

Yes take a look at the latest CISA(Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency) Infographic:   Goto CISA webpage for fullsize infographic if you want. CISA is trying to convince you into creating segmentation in different pieces of your network.  We need to go through this process to make sure you understand why this method is a good … Read more

New Year Means Review and Plan

Let us not make the same mistakes as we may have done in the past when it was time to move to a new year. We should review the current year(2021) So what happened in 21 that may be different with 22? What should we focus on planning for new year? Of course Jocko Willink … Read more

Real Story of Log4J

Affected Software A significant number of Java-based applications are using log4j as their logging utility and are vulnerable to this CVE. To the best of our knowledge, at least the following software may be impacted: Apache Struts Apache Solr Apache Druid Apache Flink ElasticSearch Flume Apache Dubbo Logstash Kafka Spring-Boot-starter-log4j2 So you can see that … Read more