Risk Analysis Gone Wrong?

Since a picture says a thousand words here is an attempt at explanation of Risk Analysis. The rows are “Impact on Environment”: none, minimal, minor, significant, major, critical The “Likelihood” or “Likely – what is % to happen” is  the columns: not likely, low, medium, medium-high, high, will happen. These are not “real” systems in … Read more

What We Can learn From Baltimore City Ransomware Attack

From WSJ article On May 7th hackers were able to shut down a number of city of Baltimore computers. They demanded $100k worth of bitcoins to release their stranglehold. On this day that is about 13 Bitcoins (value of Bitcoins fluctuates). So Baltimore is refusing to pay as they should. The ransomware the hackers used … Read more

Internet Cameras Vulnerable to Attacks With No Fix

If there is no way to fix a vulnerability what do you do if you have a camera with a vulnerability? Here is the quote on Threatpost (from the engineer that found the flaw): “Over 2 million vulnerable devices have been identified on the internet, including those distributed by HiChip, TENVIS, SV3C, VStarcam, Wanscam, NEO … Read more

SAML Attacks can break down Single Sign-On(SSO)

Area41 Defconswitzerland had an interesting video about attacking Single Sign-on technology SAML – Security Assertion Markup Language  (basic tutorial on SAML) There are a few ways an attack can happen, while the initial connections are made (and all certificate info is exchanged or other info needed. Or after the initial connection was made and now the … Read more