Internet Cameras Vulnerable to Attacks With No Fix

If there is no way to fix a vulnerability what do you do if you have a camera with a vulnerability? Here is the quote on Threatpost (from the engineer that found the flaw): “Over 2 million vulnerable devices have been identified on the internet, including those distributed by HiChip, TENVIS, SV3C, VStarcam, Wanscam, NEO … Read more

Phishing #1 Attack – Includes Email Scams

Have you received an email saying your password has been stolen in broken English? Subject: “Security Notice. Someone have access to you system” As you may have noticed, I sent you an email from your account. This means that I have full access to your acc: On moment of crack (  password: jfwqu6qoizxahofj0qkw You say: … Read more

New Wi-Fi attack found on WPA2 using PMKID

This could make many “thought safe” Wi-Fi routers not so Here is where paying attention to new attacks is important. has the information: This attack does not even need a full EAPOL 4-way handshake,  EAPOL stands for Extensible Authentication Protocol(EAP) over LAN. A simple 4-way handshake is shown pictorially below  (from This means that … Read more

Cybersecurity, Solved in 1 hour? Nope takes at least 1 Season..

Yes we are a nation of television watchers and expect everything to be solved quickly, since all TV shows end in 1 hour. In the online book (in of “Television and Politics” The problems solved in our shows apparently are remembered with ‘calls for action’ are the ones solved by individuals. So maybe after … Read more