How Many Businesses ACTUALLY have Cybersecurity Problems?

Yesterday’s story comes to mind as well as others recently that puts this issue back to the forefront. You know that when your company name is in the news for a Cybersecurity breach because your files are publicized by hackers your Cybersecurity practices have not been very effective. “The ransomware gang pinched files, including AutoCAD … Read more

More Stolen Data is For Sale on the Dark Web

Most interesting information came to light recently, said that 7.5 million users data was stolen. The entity that stole the data is called ShinyHunters and we are talking about the mobile banking entity of which is an app that does some mobile banking, so it is a business wholly on the Internet. It … Read more

Should You be able to Invest in Chinese Stocks? If China Hacks our Computer Networks?

On this Friday – for something slightly different on this website:   If China is hacking our computer networks as has been proven time and again – should people be allowed to buy Chinese  stocks on our Stock exchanges?   Since Chinese companies are partly directed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)due to all companies … Read more

New Russian Email Threats Are Here

Threatpost has the Story: This is a current story (7/7/20) of threats emerging from the Russian criminal groups. The following  is from a previous analysis from has the Story The intsight document shows several groups, of which the above is just one group “the Sandworm” team. Another post: Threat Spotlight: WastedLocker, customized transomware The … Read more