Small Business IT is Failing in Cybersecurity

Ransomware hitting the unsuspecting small business that does not have all the Security pieces in place(SCMedia story:” Here are the most common ways businesses get compromised by ransomware“. Darkreading has a story:”Manufacturing Sees rising Ransomware Threat” What is considered a ‘small business’ ? The SBA considers several criteria (how many employees – less than 500) … Read more

Criminal Hackers Attacking Hospitals Using Ransomware

If you know how to search – the keywords are important, then you will find other interesting bits of information. Talos Blogpost:  Cisco Talos Advisory on Adversaries Targeting the Healthcare and Public Health Sector Use keywords:  Indicators of Compromise – and cobalt strike. Because interesting to note cobalt strike is a tool that the bad … Read more

Pre Halloween Joke edition 2020 What can go wrong?

From the blogpage of wordfence (a old blog post – 2018)   A) How do you fix a vulnerability in your jack-o-lantern? With a pumpkin patch. B) Why are witches so good at deobfuscating malware? They know hex.   How about creating some good Halloween pranks: save this on your friends laptop, and make it … Read more

What Are Top 3 Cybersecurity Worries For SMB?

Since it is October and it is Cybersecurity Awareness month, I like to acknowledge this event at least once – so why not do a top 3 items to be worried about? Out of the myriad of items to discuss from past discussions: #1   Phishing and spam attacks through email, text, or any level (social … Read more

VPN Vulnerabilities show Work From Home(WFH) Weakness

NSA has a cybersecurity  advisory It says that Pulse SecureTM, Palo Alto GlobalProtectTM, and Fortinet FortigateTM VPN(Virtual Private Network) products have vulnerabilities 3 of them VPN CVEs being currently exploited include but may not be limited to: CVE-2019-11510 and CVE-2019-1153 which allow for remote arbitrary file downloads and remote code execution on Pulse Connect Secure … Read more