Always Patching Or else What Happens?

Yes there are rumblings of the ZeroLogon issue at Threatpost articles: Microsoft Zerologon Flaw Under Attack By Iranian Nation-State Actors. Dark Reading article: One year later…  a look back at Zerologon!   For August 2021 patch Tuesday (August 10th) 120  vulnerabilities are fixed including 2 zero -days and one elevation-of-privilege  flaw in Netlogon remote protocol.  … Read more

Criminal Gives up Cronies Shows the Attack Plans

Yes an angry programmer hacker is mad they are not getting paid enough for their work, so they showed what they were doing to let everyone know how important they are!! Threatpost link about this story.     Apparently the command and control servers are at the following IP addresses: There … Read more

Printer Drivers Could Cause a Breach?

Yes it was bound to happen – your printer driver can cause a cybersecurity breach:   (voidsec blog site) It is interesting to note the Conclusion of the blogpost:   Conclusion The buffer, initialized with all zeroes, is the only reference in all of the data segments and it is only used in the … Read more