Risk Management AI Framework by NIST

NIST (National Institute of Standards & Technology) has come up with an AI Framework – still a work in progress, but it is coming into shape with this 1.0 version.   There are many aspects to discuss, but the most important are… The Core of the framework:   “A Culture of Risk Management is cultivated and … Read more

GenAI and Cybersecurity

What does GenAi and Cybersecurity have in common? SCMagazine has the story: Gartner Security Summit: “3 takeaways” “Generative AI (GenAI) has emerged as a game-changer in the cybersecurity industry, offering both opportunities and risks. Jeremy D’Hoinne, a research vice president for security operations and infrastructure protection at Gartner, addressed this topic in his presentation the … Read more

What Are Some New Phishing Attacks?

Every day and month in this new year (2024) the hackers of the criminal kind are working on new attacks to steal/take our resources and money. At SecureWorld yesterday there was a presentation by the secret service of some new phishing and other attacks, including a review of the Snowflake attacks. Although he did not … Read more

Who Are The Cyber Attackers?

  As in my book “Too Late You’re Hacked” Guidebook The hackers are in the areas of he world where cyber attacks are a part of national policy (China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea) CRINK if you like acronyms. Of course these attackers are not always government soldiers  (In China Unit 61398 performed the APT … Read more