Is malware in your network?

How can you tell if malware is in your network? As the PCRE post at Internet Storm Center says: You can check your logfiles for certain signatures using “Perl Compatible Regular Expressions” (PCRE) Perl is a scripting programming language gets into some of it’s details. Of course that assumes you have a proxy server and … Read more

Escalation Privilege threats – What’s the big deal?

Mitre has a nice article on how thin client technology with Secure Remote Peripheral Encryption Tunnels (SeRPEnT). Their image shows how a thin client can have a trusted connection to the server and thus have a trusted connection to the server.     The article pushes thin clients and as we all know thin clients can … Read more

Does windows have a Shellshock problem too?

Windows administrators were sitting back and watching the Shellshock CVE (Common Vulnerabilities Exposures) fireworks CVE-2014-6277 and CVE-2014-6278 Now that we(Security IT community) are thinking Shellshock …  Does windows have a problem as well? First of all let’s define “Shellcode” – as in   Shellcode is when one can create a “shell” from the attacked machine and … Read more probed this site yesterday

it looks like www.oversitesentry got probed yesterday over 46506 hits. (normal is in the thousands or hundreds, not tens of thousands.  and it all originated from ‘’ I suspect it is a malware intrusion attempt, or a serious probe for passwords or something. I check my logs regularly, so I noticed this was very unusual not … Read more

What is the true value of a test scan and attack?

To test or not to test? We are constantly inundated over different advertisements, and have an inherent distrust of something new. The problem that a company has is that …    (picture of radar installation) the hackers are scanning the Internet for any machines they can access using free tools.   Scanning the Internet Is … Read more