Upgrade or Get Hacked (When Patch Available)

Did you hear the latest in Cybersecurity news? No not the news that Pizza Hut was hacked Not the news Hyatt Hotels were hacked. BUT only the news that the supposed secure WPA2 Wifi Protocol is actually vulnerable to attacks. Which essentially means all current wifi access points are not secure. CERT has a list … Read more

Doing the Basics Would Have Saved You

A new Zero-Day attack is out available for attackers. this attack was discussed in the SANS website Internet Storm Center: https://isc.sans.edu/forums/diary/SMBLoris+the+new+SMB+flaw/22662/ SMBLoris – the new SMB flaw The article was written from reviewing a Threatpost article, but was ultimately triggered because of the DEFCon 2017 presentation:   Notice the arrows on right with memory usage on … Read more

The Old FUD – Fear Uncertainty Doubt

The FUD techniques are certain to come up again and again as they are effective (to a degree). FUD is a marketing technique to sow fear into cost conscious customers that are thinking of going to a competitor. Pushing safety in numbers and other uncertainty creates FUD in the mind of potential customers. Thus it … Read more

To Measure Risk, Measure Impact : Major Threats and Effects

To Measure Risk means to measure impact and threats(likelihood) (R=L*I) Risk = Likelihood * Impact   So what does that mean? What are the threats and their effects to your environment? Answering this will give the true impact of the problem figuring out what risk one really has. (Above image was copied from @ipfconline1 twitter … Read more

What is Real Story on Default Passwords?

Is it really as bad as some say? People are not changing default passwords and thus hackers control their machines if remote access is enabled in some way. i think it is VERY BAD – as people are really looking for ways to make bad decisions: https://superuser.com/questions/106917/remote-desktop-without-a-password \ My apologies to this person who maybe … Read more