How Important is Cybersecurity?

What amount of time should be spent on preventing future Cybersecurity events?   During this Beer Bug crisis we have learned that Information Technology is an “Essential” business.  (Part of CISA classification “Critical Infrastructure Workers)   Notice it is only “Information Technology”(or IT) not Cybersecurity.   Even though it would be good if your IT … Read more

Cybersecurity, Why a Higher Risk Tolerance than COVID-19?

There are many  examples of high Cybersecurity risk tolerance – which show the executives not paying attention to Cybersecurity professionals until it is too late. Darkreading has another article on Cybersecurity burnout. The issue is the long hours many Security professionals have to perform and the general thankless jobs as they try to convince executives … Read more

Why is Cybersecurity so Difficult to Understand?

Not everyone understands all of  the complex pieces and the economic ramifications of them. What makes this  decision so difficult to require an owner to spend at least 3-4 hours a week on a topic which will not make any money, but will just help you keep running your business.  In fact this “expenditure” of … Read more