When SonicWall Gets Hacked What Chance Do You Have?

SC Magazine has the story – “SonicWall network attacked via zero day in its secure access solution”. Here is the formal SonicWall statement once they were notified by SC Media: SonicWall, whose product line includes firewalls; network security and access solutions; and email, cloud and endpoint security solutions acknowledged that an incident took place in a company … Read more

More Stolen Data is For Sale on the Dark Web

Most interesting information came to light recently, Dave.com said that 7.5 million users data was stolen. The entity that stole the data is called ShinyHunters and we are talking about the mobile banking entity of Dave.com which is an app that does some mobile banking, so it is a business wholly on the Internet. It … Read more

What Does it Mean When Your Website’s Registrar is Hacked?

On October 16 Web.com, Networksolutions.com, and register.com had a breach, and as of Nov2nd there is no mention of anything like a breach on their website (web.com owns the others) The breach information was obtained from the always useful Krebsonsecurity.com site.   So what happens when your website’s registrar was hacked? It likely means all … Read more

Risk Analysis Gone Wrong?

Since a picture says a thousand words here is an attempt at explanation of Risk Analysis. The rows are “Impact on Environment”: none, minimal, minor, significant, major, critical The “Likelihood” or “Likely – what is % to happen” is  the columns: not likely, low, medium, medium-high, high, will happen. These are not “real” systems in … Read more