Is It Enough to Patch Computers?

Once your computers, switches, firewalls and routers are all patched now what? All your devices on the Internet have been tested and configured correctly. And thus they are about as secure as can be. Now what?   Assuming the desktop and servers are patched and antivirus software is installed is there anything else to make … Read more

Criminal Hackers Have Job Security

The Security Conversation has to change. Unknowing we(us humans in business and more) create a scenario which prevents us from being more secure   Our Psyche seeks risk when confronted with loss decisions but seeks safety when confronted with gain decisions. This has been studied (Previous post as well) and is accurate for 70% of the … Read more

Make Software Secure Now!

Just for fun I wanted to make the headline to be “Make Software Secure Again” But when was software secure? Never, as we assumed it was secure but actually SW was never tested and security problems started as people hacked software and thus it was never secure we were just ignorant or naive in the … Read more

Diamond Model Intrusion Analysis

Did you want to set up your own Intrusion Analysis department? Or at least give a framework for creating a method to understand a breach. Then read this document at threatconnect.com¹ by Sergio Caltagirone, Andrew Pendergast, and Christopher Betz. This document goes into the details of what the attacker/adversary can do to your infrastructure and … Read more