Tuesday July 10th patch Tuesday #7 of 2018

53 vulnerabilities in today’s Patch Tuesday There is a Dashboard set up by Morphus Labs 3 publicly disclosed and 17 critical. It is always important to keep up on your patching regimen, as today’s vulnerabilities become more and more dangerous in the future. But one has to assess the current and older vulnerabilities with what … Read more

Sophisticated Method to Hack Your Network Devices

So the Criminal hackers have to get more sophisticated as some networks are patching their devices.   You must have heard of the Casino that got breached through a thermometer in the fish tank?  We get excited with new capabilities of Internet connectivity. But unfortunately we forget that a Cybersecurity weak device can open doors … Read more

Criminals Trying to Run Crypto Miners on Your Systems

Good YouTube video: “Rise of the Miners Josh Grunzweig” Ransomware is no longer a viable method of making money for the criminals, since Bitcoin is worth a lot of money, and it would be difficult to get people to pay for their ransomed computers. So the Criminals have moved to Cryptomining. The cryptominers have infected … Read more

5 Top Cybersecurity Attacks Revealed at RSAC2018

YouTube Video of the discussions of the following people: Alan Paller, Moderator, Research Director and Founder, SANS Institute Ed Skoudis, Faculty Fellow, Penetration Testing The following image shows the most interesting points brought forward in the video, as this is a presentation at RSAC every year now with SANS’ top instructors or employees that work … Read more

In a Russian Conflict: Cybersecurity another Dimension of Attack

(((4/19 update below))) In that cybersecurity is another Dimension of attack  (versus Dimensions: Land, Air, Sea, and Space) how would we be affected by this dimension? In Land one sees their foe most of the time, and if the enemy wants to take your stuff they have to physically take it.  (Or they try and … Read more