Small Business Cyber Target? Maybe a Rabbit Foot Helps…

It is Friday and we are trying to find jokes in cybersecurity? or are we? We are selling these rabbit feet so that you will not get hacked* “Why don’t small business owners worry about cybersecurity? Because they’ve got a secret weapon: their grandma’s lucky rabbit foot! Rub it once, and hackers turn into confused … Read more

Hackers Attack with Phishing to Small Business

Searching in Grok for small business data on phishing stats “What is phishing attack statistics for small businesses”   Grok searched 15 websites and came up with this: Phishing attacks are a significant threat to small businesses, often targeting them due to their potentially limited resources for cybersecurity. Based on the most recent data available to … Read more

15k Fortinet Configurations Leaked-Microsoft 365 Accounts Targeted with Phishing Kit

2 interesting issues have been uncovered by  cybersecurity researchers. Hackernews article:   “New ‘Sneaky 2FA’ Phishing Kit Targets Microsoft 365 Accounts with 2FA Code Bypass” Phishing campaigns have been observed sending payment receipt-related emails to entice recipients into opening bogus PDF documents containing QR code that, upon scanning, redirects them to Sneaky 2FA pages. The Phishing … Read more

WordPress, Magento, and Opencart new vulnerability

Hackernews has the story  “New Credit Card Skimmer Targets WordPress, Magento, and OpenCart Sites” from last year, and this morning it is There are distinct similarities (WordPress Ecommerce and hackers try to steal CC #s online) It is an issue as the malware hides itself and can stay at the website to steal credit … Read more

HIPAA Rules Upgrade What it Means?

There is a new “rulemaking” that is trying to get the process started for updated HIPAA regulations. At the First we have to review as to how we got here: Regulatory History 1.1996 Congress enacted HIPAA (Health Insurance Public Accountability Act) 2. 1998 Security Rule Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 3. 2003 Final Rule 4. … Read more