Sample report

we have placed a sample evaluation on our site (the alpha-A scan) Here we have scanned a server and found it had a few services turned on that should not have been. (Telnet and ftp should be replaced with a secure version, such as ssh and scp) The web services need to be tested … Read more

Keep an eye on CERT – New website look

CERT – Community  Emergency Response Center  for computers was created in 1988 in response to the Morris worm. The CERT organization I am talking about is based out of Carnegie Mellon(Software Engineering Institute), and has helped the computer industry with their insight and tools The CERT tools link.  There are some good tools to use … Read more

The security dilemma

Information Security has a dilemma: the problem is that we don’t want to be seen(interfere) with whatever the user wants to do, but yet there need to be secure transactions. The security of our network and applications need to be part of Information technology actions. The website, email and network traffic needs to get where … Read more

Are all viruses detectable with AntiVirus?

If all viruses were detectable with antivirus then malware would be easily found and no more hacks would happen. Some viruses are hard to detect on purpose. They evade antivirus software, system administrators and other software. But a scan of a system will show a port open which requires further analysis. Because the virus or … Read more

Have you been firewalked lately?

firewalking is a term used to signify checking a firewall or webserver port by port to see its status. We perform a similar service to give you a report that will let you know how you look in the eyes of a criminal or hacker. We provide Alpha service