100% Cybersecurity is Impossible

Do you want to use the Internet? Computers? Tablets? Cellphones? There is no device created that is 100% secure with no risk. So now what? Risk management – is what we are supposed to do, where the risk of using something is lower than the value of using it. For example: using a computer for … Read more

Why Is It Cybersecurity Pros Make It Complicated?

We say things like: DO NOT CLICK ON Phishing emails!! But then Equifax creates www.experianidentityservice.co.uk ???  or creditexpert.co.uk/login/login Bsides in London earlier this year had a presentation by Meadow Ellis (@notameadow). Meadow makes a good point, as we as Cybersecurity professionals ask users to be careful what you click, and then  somebody in the company … Read more

Achieve True Privacy Protections

Your data and your customer data must be protected and in such a manner that even a breach in an area is not making it easy for the criminal to get the last link and thus the whole database.  Losing a portion of customer data is bad, but losing all of it is much worse. … Read more

100 days to find adversary in Network: Do I hear 50?

How can we improve the odds of finding a criminal hacker in our networks?   (My old blogpost in 2017 discusses some threats in your network “Insider Threats: No1 Cybersecurity Problem” in case you want to review) A great video on this topic is the following Irongeek.com video from BSides Charm2018 In this part of the … Read more