How to defend Against phishing attacks and more

  What better way to discuss phishing than an infographic? First: consider the From: field in an email In most emails they make sense – like  an email that comes from Netflix should say  not The from field is very important clue as to whether this is spam or phishing email or not. … Read more

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy thanksgiving – and keep in mind hackers are on prowl as well – keep an eye on the spammers trying to swindle you from your hard earned money!! Eat well, but not too well 😉

“Cybersecurity News” and what to do with it

So what has happened that I want to make another post about “Cybersecurity News”? Microsoft states they will implement the new CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) across the nation by January 1, 2020  November 11) 68000 patients of Methodist hospital impacted by Phishing attack  (By HIPAA Journal) (October 17) Domain Registrar Network Solutions … Read more

What Does it Mean When Your Website’s Registrar is Hacked?

On October 16,, and had a breach, and as of Nov2nd there is no mention of anything like a breach on their website ( owns the others) The breach information was obtained from the always useful site.   So what happens when your website’s registrar was hacked? It likely means all … Read more