Is Psychology of Security Causing Cybersecurity Problems?

What do I mean by Cybersecurity problems?  How about not patching  or upgrading your devices, taking inventory of your devices.  Making changes to the network or systems and not thinking about security. Or just plain old errors, mistakes, issues that arise after something new happens. Why would we not pay attention to these things? What … Read more

Cybersecurity Must be Attended to Or? Can the Unthinkable Happen to You?

Should Cybersecurity have some attention if you have not been hacked before? Does your business really need  more Cybersecurity awareness? I.e. So What… Cybersecurity!!! Is this what you are thinking? That does not matter to me ? I guess if this is your default thinking after every new headline of Breaches and attacks… For example … Read more

Is Cybersecurity a Problem? or a Management Issue?

Is cybersecurity a problem to be dealt with or is it to be managed? (these questions were slightly changed from the presentation at RSA Conference in Asia –  Ian Yip CEO of Avertro – he brings up some good questions.   Let us delve a bit deeper into this question. Why should we care … Read more

Are DeepFakes something to Worry About?

Deepfakes are  computer generated images and footage of real people. I.e. a computer generated images or video from a program (or algorithm).  FireEye has a paper that discusses this phenomenon: Instead of talking theory and what happens once the cat is out of the bag, let’s give some good examples: “Criminals used artificial … Read more

Is Fraud On the Internet Hurting (Your) Business?

There is a LexisNexis report: “2020 True cost of Fraud Study”   Here are the 6 basic tenets of the report:   More fraud attacks translated to higher costs for merchants A surge in online and mobile channel activity increased fraud Trying to distinguish between real customers and bots is difficult Covid-19 or the Wuhan … Read more