2022 What Did we Learn in Cybersecurity?

49 posts on this blogsite oversitesentry in 2022 There were many different posts  I chose 4 to highlight in early ’22: What does Segmentation DonaldTrump Malware post Jan 25,22 Hackers are Ruthless: Attack Red Cross/ Red Crescent  500k stolen China Attacking News sites now & CISA agency declares patch APC UPS(Power Supplies) 3 Critical vulnerabilities. … Read more

Password Managers Hacked: Passwordstate and Lastpass

Passwordstate security failure was worse than Lastpass – but any entity can be hacked or have a cybersecurity failure. Looking into the specifics Passwordstate issue is discussed in portswigger website.   “Passwordstate was subject to scrutiny by Swiss security consultancy modzero AG following a customer request to check the password manager’s security. Modzero researchers Constantin … Read more

Less Than 100 Employees: 3x More Likely Target

At Technewsworld the following quote is interesting: “Attackers do not just target large enterprises. Recent reporting shows companies with less than 100 employees are three times more likely to be the target of a cyberattack — yet, often lack sufficient cybersecurity measures and resources to manage their risk,” said Shena Seneca Tharnish, VP for cybersecurity … Read more