How do we make decisions?
When we hire, or when we decide what website to read for more information.
Is it important to know how we made these decisions or what the results were?
Should a bank explain why they denied a loan?
How about healthcare coverage? AI helps in this decision as well?
Should a judge explain why the defendant gets a certain result ( guilty with X sentence, or not guilty).
An AI engine has a black box decision making, and should that black box be revealed? Would an AI company allow its black box to be revealed?
Should we develop AI ethics after AI makes a number of decisions?
I.e. after a number of people were hired.
A number of loans were accepted or denied?
It is harder and challenging to create AI ethics, but it is a morally correct method.
AI Ethics — Regulations — Best Practices — all of these should be reviewed and worked on before not after events happen. The main picture is a white hat hacker working away on his computer.
Sometimes it is difficult to figure out why AI makes decisions due to complexity or otherwise actions within the program. But it is important to find out what happened especially when difficult decisions are reached. Hiring, loan fulfillment, admittance to college are all life altering events. Should we just trust the technology? Or should we light up the black box to investigate the reasons for final decisions?
What about insurance approvals? Or claim acceptance or denial?
Real estate appraisals, whether to patrol a neighborhood over another neighborhood?
Should Amazon’s Alexa or other voice responder AI programs reveal their secrets? , Apple’s Siri, or Google’s voice assistant, Microsoft Cortana, Samsung Bixby, IBM’s Watson, and finally Secondhand Hound.
The voice assistant has to properly pick up tone and inflection in some speech to give a proper answer. How does it do that?And what kind of answers does it furnish? Are answers trying to sell a service or product?
Ethical AI reviews would become thorny in many instances..
We can review your AI instances contact now to discuss.
For example: Should Alexa (amazon voice AI) prefer Harris over Trump?
Shouldn’t Alexa have more Ethics and be neutral? NYPost has a story on how Alexa preferred Harris.
Let’s make this apolitical – and just place Ethics versus Influence:
After all that to re-iterate: We can review your AI instances contact now to discuss.