Smart Cameras have Cybersecurity Problems

Everything has cybersecurity problems if it is not built with some security in mind at least. One should not build security after building the product, it tends to be ad-hoc or kluge. Tom’s Guide has a good article of several cameras, it happens that AV-TEST evaluated 8 IP(Internet Protocol) cameras. Only 3 cameras received 3 … Read more

Achieve True Privacy Protections

Your data and your customer data must be protected and in such a manner that even a breach in an area is not making it easy for the criminal to get the last link and thus the whole database.  Losing a portion of customer data is bad, but losing all of it is much worse. … Read more

Sophisticated Method to Hack Your Network Devices

So the Criminal hackers have to get more sophisticated as some networks are patching their devices.   You must have heard of the Casino that got breached through a thermometer in the fish tank?  We get excited with new capabilities of Internet connectivity. But unfortunately we forget that a Cybersecurity weak device can open doors … Read more

100 days to find adversary in Network: Do I hear 50?

How can we improve the odds of finding a criminal hacker in our networks?   (My old blogpost in 2017 discusses some threats in your network “Insider Threats: No1 Cybersecurity Problem” in case you want to review) A great video on this topic is the following video from BSides Charm2018 In this part of the … Read more