OpenVAS vulnerability analysis tool: Free license – how-to-install

So I finally tried running OpenVAS on my Kali-Linux system.

It did not work, stating that you have to run the install first.


So I did that (as you can see above)

Now I got the following window:


Notice the “install” did not go well

Step 1: checking OpenVAS Scanner …

ERROR: No OpenVAS Scanner (openvassd) found

FIX: Please install OpenVAS Scanner

ERROR: Your OpenVAS-6 installation is not yet complete!

Please follow the instructions marked with FIX above and run this script again.


So I looked up online for a solution to this conundrum (I thought I was installing)

So I tried running a a standard install before resorting to the Internet.

i.e.  ‘apt-get install openvas’

this did not work.

After a short check online there was nothing useful(as Internet said to run the script on the Kali menu which does not work :).


So I went to the tried and true method, and check on the system itself to see what is available…


The config files and other files are located in /usr/share/openvas and /etc/openvas


But now I typed ‘open’ and used the tab key (to see what else is on the system with the letter open with the first 5 letters.

most interesting I found a program called: ‘openvas-setup’


So of course I ran this program (while being root of course)

After 45 min of downloading and installing the install script asked me for a admin password.

Now I can actually run openvas – I opened Firefox browser and entered ‘’

this is what I got: after running a vulnerability analysis on my own website(



<update>  The actual vulnerabilities have to do with SMTP relaying – so for all of you spammers, I will be contacting my provider so they can fix this.</update>

We can run openvas on your website or help you install it on your Kali-Linux


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