A very interesting story of Iranian hackers (whether government sponsored or sanctioned does not matter) attacked and deleted a lot of files using Visual Basic. (I know from 2014 attack – but that is when we get the most amount of data sometimes…)
Apparently the billionaire owner pissed off some hacktivists in Iran after he made a statement of “nuking Iran”. The Las Vegas Sands hotels and casinos were attacked at the weakest place a hotel in Bethlehem, PA. And from there they were able to obtain an admin userid/pw combo that had access to the main casinos in Las Vegas.
Once accessing the main network, they installed malware built with Visual Basic.
The Palazzo is in http://www.sands.com/united-states.html Las Vegas.
Hackers used the open source tool mimikatz
Here is a tutorial on the pentestlab blog
mimikatz can get more passwords from the targeted machine quickly.
Threatpost has some details of the malware that wipes hard drives.
As mentioned, Cryptolocker is also software that destroys files (or renders them unusable) http://oversitesentry.com/unplug-your-synology-devices-cryptolocker-ransomware-will-encrypt/
This analysis of the
Darkseoul-Jokra malware https://www.fidelissecurity.com/sites/default/files/FTA%201008%20-%20Darkseoul-Jokra%20Analysis%20and%20Recovery.pdf
This is the most interesting portion in my opinion: