Windows Good, Bad, and Ugly Security News

There are some interesting Windows News in case you did not notice: The Good is an instance where Microsoft is reworking their Operating System(for WIndows10) and adding an Anti Malware Security Software called AMSI (AntiMalware Scan Interface) The Good: Script Based Attacks in Windows 10’s AMSI – Anti Malware Scan Interface has been developed.  And … Read more

What is your Budget in Preventing Unforeseen Attacks?

What if your data is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars? Or liability is in that neighborhood. Then Ransomware targets your data server and you pay $1000 to save hundred thousand (or more) – assuming of course that you do not have a proper backup in place. Why are you having this problem? Because apparently … Read more

Are You Safe From Hackers?

What does it take for us to get hacked? How safe are we really? What is your perception of computing? We _expect_ Google to run when we want it. This expectation supposes a functioning computer. So a desktop or tablet/phone must be running when we need it. Credit card processing must work when we want … Read more

Browser Sessions Trick Can Hack Encrypted Webservers

BlackHat¹ videos are up now… Specifically HEIST video²  – Http Encrypted Information can be Stolen through TCP windows By Tom Van Goethem & Mathy Vanhoef Belgian researchers The technical video about how a browser session can attack a server which attempts to prevent an attack using a token. The aspects of the encryption defense (CSRF token) … Read more

Zmodo camera Has hardcoded Security Flaw

Here is the “moneyquote”: Once it is scanned, you assign a name and connect to the camera.  A very simple and elegant setup solution to get up and running quickly.   Unfortunately for Zmodo and the purchasers of this camera this came out today(was 05/2016– then updated 08/2016): CERT² – Computer Emergency Response Team Vulnerability Note … Read more