Another Router being exploited now: Archer TP-Link

Hackernews has another story about exploited devices: Archer routers  This router   the Archer TP link “The botnet exploits a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in TP-Link Archer routers (CVE-2023-1389) to spread itself automatically over the Internet,” security researchers Ofek Vardi and Matan Mittelman said in a technical report shared with The Hacker News.”   As … Read more

15k Fortinet Configurations Leaked-Microsoft 365 Accounts Targeted with Phishing Kit

2 interesting issues have been uncovered by  cybersecurity researchers. Hackernews article:   “New ‘Sneaky 2FA’ Phishing Kit Targets Microsoft 365 Accounts with 2FA Code Bypass” Phishing campaigns have been observed sending payment receipt-related emails to entice recipients into opening bogus PDF documents containing QR code that, upon scanning, redirects them to Sneaky 2FA pages. The Phishing … Read more

WordPress, Magento, and Opencart new vulnerability

Hackernews has the story  “New Credit Card Skimmer Targets WordPress, Magento, and OpenCart Sites” from last year, and this morning it is There are distinct similarities (WordPress Ecommerce and hackers try to steal CC #s online) It is an issue as the malware hides itself and can stay at the website to steal credit … Read more

2 Stories About Zero-day Vulnerabilities Exemplify Need of Update Program

These 2 Vulnerabilities on Zero-day vulnerabilities have possibility of causing much mayhem unless you have cybersecurity program in place to deal with updates or patches as quick as possible and other Intrusion Detection as well as anti-virus and more. Hacker News has the stories:   RomCom Exploits Zero-day  The Russia-aligned threat actor known as RomCom has … Read more

Can Nvidia Technology Accelerate Computing 4x Every Year?

And what does it mean to Cybersecurity? As in the latest videos by Jason Huang the CEO of Nvidia where the Blackwell architecture and other pieces have been revealed with more detail: Blackwell is a very large GPU installation which has the capability of increasing computing power 4x every year.  As the image explains Blackwell … Read more