Burnout in Infosec Means All is Lost?

Thotcon (Chicago’s Hacking Conference)  thoughts… Saw several good Cybersecurity presentations while one of the keynotes “Josh Corman” discussed the burnout of the infosec opsec community.  This is a problem for our industry as I have discussed before in past posts.  It has to do with the 3 following topics: 1. Workload  to most infosec people … Read more

Review of “Anon” movie

In the spirit of a lighter fare this Sunday. Watching Anon (again) it is an interesting futuristic movie where there is a video recording of everything. Apparently everyone has a recording method and Clive Owen the actor, playing Sal Frieland is an investigator that needs to find a murderer. Apparently there is a hacker that … Read more

The Enemy Has Say With Your Best Plans

In the field of Cybersecurity we have to do a lot of basic things: as discussed in Behavioralscientist.org So what is your plan?  Firewall, Antivirus, IT people vigilance, updating devices and software… What are your enemies’ plans? When your enemy actually interacts with your employees it  shows. There are always business level threats (where employees … Read more

Headless OpenVAS install

I needed to run OpenVAS (OpenVAS stands for Open Vulnerability Assessment System) the Linux based vulnerability management software on a virtual machine, which means it does not have its own monitor that one sits at to see this screen: OpenVAS is made by Greenbone, “which develops OpenVAS as part of their commercial vulnerability management product … Read more

Phishing #1 Attack – Includes Email Scams

Have you received an email saying your password has been stolen in broken English? Subject: “Security Notice. Someone have access to you system” As you may have noticed, I sent you an email from your account. This means that I have full access to your acc: On moment of crack (youremail@youremaildomain.com)  password: jfwqu6qoizxahofj0qkw You say: … Read more