New Credit Cards(EMV) Hacked in France

EMV(Europay, MasterCard, Visa) is the standard with the pin and chip technology which the US has finally moved to on October 1st of this year. Since EMV history and about So it is good that we have gotten up to speed from our days of just mag stripe and pin number.  But since the standard has … Read more

October2015 Patch Tuesday: Including Windows Shell Vulnerability Has several patches including  MS15-106  ” One memory corruption vulnerability (CVE-2015-6056) has been publicly disclosed.”  from the following link:   As far as Microsoft patches go – the ones that patch remote code execution in the vulnerability impact column. And 4 of the 6 have remote code execution.   As a systems person I … Read more

Network Security Has Fundamental Problems

A breach has many looks… THE fundamental problem is highlighted in this article: Besides the obvious headline grabber “1.5mil records stolen by hackers.” I am going to compile a few sentences from the article and then discuss: {He added, “Every healthcare firm, large and small, that stores patient data is at risk of a … Read more

One Cyber Mistake Causes Problem$

All it takes is one patch is missed, One computer not taken care of. Computers must be patched so that Zero-day exploits have minimal affects.  We discussed this on July 20th Let’s review:   After a vulnerability is introduced, an exploit hits the “wild” and then the clock starts ticking, the attackers(criminal hackers) and defenders(software … Read more