Anthem Breach thoughts

First the latest SC magazine: 1. Anthem did right in discussing and revealing the breach “early”, as most companies sit on the information and reveal after several months. 2. Did not encrypt data due to needing speed for various reasons (mining the data etc. Although it is questionable whether that would have hindered the … Read more

Assume you are Hacked so get 6 Sigma Security

There are many quotes, and we have endured many breaches in the last year and a half: FBI Director James Comey interview (from October 2014) Good quote: “James Comey: When someone sends you an email, they are knocking on your door. And when you open the attachment, without looking through the peephole to see who … Read more

Risk management Failed Us!

Why you say? We can review our systems that we have and assign a higher risk on some systems depending on the value of the data, it’s function etc. So let’s say you have 3 computer servers There is only so much in money and labor resources, so as an analytical person we assign the … Read more

Anonymity is History: Getting Doxed

What does Dox mean? defines dox as personal information about people on Internet, including real name, known aliases, address, phone number, SS#, cc#, etc. So if you think you can keep your data secret or at least not public (the old method was delist your name and address from phone book) today everyone leaves a trail … Read more

Why is Cybersecurity hard? XXE injection

Where do we start? In the beginning …  well, fortunately we do not have to talk creation or evolution, let’s just go back to early 90’s when the Microsoft Windows Operating system hit a large market share of all personal computing systems. If you look at the early Windows systems, they were not built out … Read more