Test your network by Bloodhound

Which Bloodhound might you ask? No not the Dog… But the following program in Kali Linux: Just a slightly different picture and meaning. Cobaltstrike has tested with it and this is his explanation: “BloodHound is a tool to analyze and understand Active Directory Trust Relationships. For an offensive practitioner, this tool can highlight the hops … Read more

Trust Issues in Security

Who do I trust when dealing in Security? (definition of ‘trust’ from Google) First impressions count – remember what everyone says… But Wall Street Journal story “The Mistakes You Make In a Meeting’s First Milliseconds” has a communications coach saying that you should not always trust your first impressions. And there is a way to … Read more

Risk Management Should Be: Known Threats Evaluated – Find Unknown Threats

It is a known fact that Risk management looks in the known facts department.  As we try to evaluate what issue to focus on. Nowhere is this Security as last point of order more evident than in the Cryptocurrency markets being created with ICO’s (Initial Coin Offerings). You would think that when setting up an … Read more

Patch Tuesday: Keep in Mind X, Y, and Z

Jan 9th was patch Tuesday: the day Microsoft designed to accumulate patches and release them on a regular basis with some kind of schedule. Otherwise patches would be released whenever problems are solved. So this would be good in some ways(why not resolve problems as soon as practical) but the problem is this release schedule … Read more

Inoculate your computers from the Cyber Criminals

Cyber Criminals are developing new ways to attack and make money. Like all industries they want to make more money this year too. We have to learn to inoculate our computers so that we have as low a chance as possible to get infected. We have to find ways to make this goal of theirs … Read more