Replace your Wi-Fi Router if 2yr+ old

Insignary had some research and created a report that looked into the binary code of most of the routers on the market. Technewsworld has  a story… And Business Insider has a story The short story is that many router companies do not update their devices which would mean customers would have to upgrade firmware, which … Read more

Attack Life Cycle Changed By Cloud

Great video from BSides Columbus Ohio 2018 : “Zero to Owned in 1 Hour” That is an interesting review of how the new potential weaknesses are in the Cloud itself. Human Access to the cloud can be a weak point. AWS (Amazon Web Services) Does Multi-factor Authentication work with multiple people running things? Service Provider (cloud … Read more

CyberAttacks More Sophisticated

The attackers are getting better, they are not sitting still. If you are hoping no one will notice you in your personal world … not likely, everyone is a target. In this post lets connect a few dots: SCmagazine story:“Social Media and Engineering Used to spread tempted cedar spyware” So a fake Facebook profile method … Read more

Test your network by Bloodhound

Which Bloodhound might you ask? No not the Dog… But the following program in Kali Linux: Just a slightly different picture and meaning. Cobaltstrike has tested with it and this is his explanation: “BloodHound is a tool to analyze and understand Active Directory Trust Relationships. For an offensive practitioner, this tool can highlight the hops … Read more