Is Compliance Enough for Your Company?

If you accept credit cards you need PCI compliance If you have health data then you need HIPAA compliance. A financial company gets many pieces of compliance which depends on what types of financial instruments you sell. You may need other types of compliance. Unfortunately PCI compliance does not require a backup of your critical … Read more

Vulnerability Management Fixed!

So that we are all on the same page -Vulnerability Management is when an IT department manages it’s inventory of devices with regard to what vulnerabilities each device could be at risk for. So if every system you own has a vulnerability, and you have 1000 systems it could get a bit challenging to manage. … Read more

Run Microsoft(Powershell) Software On Linux? More Risk

Did you think it would never happen? Microsoft and Linux are increasing in their ties to each other. So as we protect systems in our networks, we are increasingly incorporating Linux systems for various reasons, Web servers, specific SQL server database needs  or other reasons (file sharing or other support systems). A potential threat vector … Read more