Wifi virus? is it possible?

RFGlobalnet  has an article about a possible Wifi virus which propagates from one AP (access point) to another. The University of Liverpool has set up a theoretical infection from one Wifi to another. If a wifi system (AP) does not have good enough encryption setup, with a sophisticated password this attack could occur. And Anti-virus … Read more

Network Vulnerability Assessments

Why perform a network vulnerability assessment or review? because there are certain individuals that will take any weakness in your computers and networks (firewalls, switches) and exploit it to their own ends. What can an enterprising evil hacker do? Minimally use your computers and networks that you have bought and paid for to attack other … Read more

after upgrading systems check for new services running

After upgrading check for new services as the Internet Storm Center noted after a firewall operator noted new streaming data coming to/through firewall. Upgrading the NAS server caused a media streaming service to turn on.   And that is how it starts. After an upgrade some months ago a service is turned on, even though … Read more

Keep an eye on CERT – New website look

CERT – Community  Emergency Response Center  for computers was created in 1988 in response to the Morris worm. The CERT organization I am talking about is based out of Carnegie Mellon(Software Engineering Institute), and has helped the computer industry with their insight and tools The CERT tools link.  There are some good tools to use … Read more

New Google Chrome vulnerability

Patch your Google Chrome – From cve.mitre.org Why would a Google Chrome vulnerability be important? because if you happen to bump into a nefarious website (unbeknown to you) it will affect your Google Chrome  and then little by little the hacker will gain more information. Pretty soon there will be open ports that you may … Read more