Improve Cybersecurity – Level Up – Better than Losing Data and Money

Yes it is better to learn a little more Cybersecurity or to “level up your knowledge” rather than the alternative. We have a typical business owner -1st: Has to figure out cybersecurity while keeping everything else up to speed (one has to make payroll after all). 2nd we may need to add a partner or … Read more

Small Business Cyber Target? Maybe a Rabbit Foot Helps…

It is Friday and we are trying to find jokes in cybersecurity? or are we? We are selling these rabbit feet so that you will not get hacked* “Why don’t small business owners worry about cybersecurity? Because they’ve got a secret weapon: their grandma’s lucky rabbit foot! Rub it once, and hackers turn into confused … Read more

Another Router being exploited now: Archer TP-Link

Hackernews has another story about exploited devices: Archer routers  This router   the Archer TP link “The botnet exploits a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in TP-Link Archer routers (CVE-2023-1389) to spread itself automatically over the Internet,” security researchers Ofek Vardi and Matan Mittelman said in a technical report shared with The Hacker News.”   As … Read more

Kostas Talks Cybersecurity

Let’s discuss Psychology of Security and use humor instead of more cyber headlines to explain some aspects such as spending time and money before an event happens or other cybersecurity preventive actions. Do we have the Gambler’s mentality with our cybersecurity?  The psychology of security is fascinating since there is a kernel of truth of … Read more

Hackers Attack with Phishing to Small Business

Searching in Grok for small business data on phishing stats “What is phishing attack statistics for small businesses”   Grok searched 15 websites and came up with this: Phishing attacks are a significant threat to small businesses, often targeting them due to their potentially limited resources for cybersecurity. Based on the most recent data available to … Read more