today Apple beat estimates: with 35.2 mil iPhones sold
threatpost has the info about a “stream of data” on an iPhone
It looks like Jonathan Zdziarksi, a forensic scientist and at Twitter: @JZdziarski.
found a backdoor in iOS, it is supposedly used by Apple for troubleshooting, diagnostics and enterprise.
Apple responded to the work of Jonathan and he wrote about it on his blog.
Jonathan’s final comment on this backdoor is that he is skeptical of its use as a pure diagnostic nature. It breaks the security model and does not inform the user of the lack of security on every iOS. In specific he points out that the encryption the phone has can be circumvented with this unencrypted channel on the phone.
In specific his comment: “Tell me, what is the point in promising the user encryption if there is a back door to bypass it?”
Good point Jonathan!