US-CERT (Computer Emergeny Readyness Team) reminds us that Support is ending soon(July 14, 2015).
Microsoft says there are 24 million instances still running 2003 server.
It is time to upgrade, for those of you still running Windows Server 2003, or at least put in a plan to replace the system with a 2012 machine by next year.
Microsoft webpage on Windows 2003 end of support (242 days countdown
Zero-Day from ZDNet Blog also wrote about it.
If you are still running on Windows2003, you are not getting the latest technological upgrades for speed, functionality and security.
The Forrester economic impact study (is independent research) has done the number crunching: ROI 270%, management costs are reduced by 35%
Redmond Magazine says 39% of installed Server base is Windows 2003.
I don’t think they even considered Security issues, which can cause multiple problems for your organization.