Real Story of Log4J

Affected Software A significant number of Java-based applications are using log4j as their logging utility and are vulnerable to this CVE. To the best of our knowledge, at least the following software may be impacted: Apache Struts Apache Solr Apache Druid Apache Flink ElasticSearch Flume Apache Dubbo Logstash Kafka Spring-Boot-starter-log4j2 So you can see that … Read more

Log4J has been fixed by Apache Software foundation

Due to an actively exploited zero-day vulnerability: This bug is a 10 of 10 on the CVSS rating from the article a snippet: Tracked as CVE-2021-44228 and by the monikers Log4Shell or LogJam, the issue concerns a case of unauthenticated, remote code execution (RCE) on any application that uses the open-source utility and affects … Read more

SolarWinds Hack and CISA(Government Agency) Directive Common Theme

2 stories from the Hacker News: Solar Winds Hackers Targeting Government and Why everyone needs to take the latest CISA directive seriously   The Solarwinds hack from last year (the one I discussed in several stories including this one: SolarWinds hackers Hacked Multi-factor Authentication. It is sometimes instructive to review past hacks to see what … Read more