How to defeat malware

In my experience the best anti-malware software is Malwarebytes  When your Antivirus software can’t find the malware, then download malwarebytes and clean the systems. especially those Point of Sale systems that seem to be infected by the  Russian cyber gangs.   The Malwarebytes blog is also a good read

Kmart breach added to 1 min video

What happened to Kmart? how did they get breached ? Kmart had an IT department with Anti-virus and firewalls? According to krebsonsecurity – again it was the Malware on the Point-of-Sale(POS) registers.   iSight consultants seem to have figured out some details of a POS malware called BlackPOS WSJ article We can help – just … Read more

K-mart payment system breached

 Securityweek story The company believes debit and credit card numbers have been compromised. Kmart’s News release: It seems to always be after the fact that further advanced technologies have been deployed, as well as IT security firms have now been hired. Lucky for any future Kmart shoppers -now security is being taken care … Read more

Does windows have a Shellshock problem too?

Windows administrators were sitting back and watching the Shellshock CVE (Common Vulnerabilities Exposures) fireworks CVE-2014-6277 and CVE-2014-6278 Now that we(Security IT community) are thinking Shellshock …  Does windows have a problem as well? First of all let’s define “Shellcode” – as in   Shellcode is when one can create a “shell” from the attacked machine and … Read more