probed this site yesterday

it looks like www.oversitesentry got probed yesterday over 46506 hits.

(normal is in the thousands or hundreds, not tens of thousands.  and it all originated from ‘’

I suspect it is a malware intrusion attempt, or a serious probe for passwords or something.

I check my logs regularly, so I noticed this was very unusual not just that there was a high amount of activity, but that the highest connection to the site was an IP which is not mine… (since I am on the site modifying all the time).

Also the website index page did not get 40000+ hits.  this seems more like a specific port opening attempt.

One way to know who is doing something to you is to use a command line tool to check the offending site

i went to the site ‘’ with wget, and it pointed me to ‘’. (a wordpress site)

But the real info came now that I searched with Google to ‘’


Yes when checking virustotal it means that is a malicious hosting site.   If you can blacklist the sites.



Interesting what one finds in the logs if looking 🙂


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