Cyberjoke Friday v1.99 Easter 2017 Edition

image from Small Business Trends online site

Yes on Holidays I like to do things that are not done weekly or monthly – like backups, and shred old documents etc.

And now for the jokes:

An Attempt by ESPI Blog to explain Easter Eggs (software) with 1st Easter Egg:

Some Easter eggs are hidden, so are very well hidden, and then there’s the Video Whizball Easter egg. Now considered the first software Easter egg ever, the hidden name of the game programmer was not found for 26 years after the game’s initial release in 1978. While the Easter egg is rather minor, simply a printout of the programmer’s family name, it is noteworthy as it is, as the earliest instance of a hidden feature in software. Of course, there could be others in earlier software, so get out there and find them!


Look for some Easter eggs on Google – search for ‘anagram’  (it will say Did you mean ‘nag a ram’?  Mediaite post from 2010 on the anagram Google Joke


Unfortunately the real joke is on us the clients of small businesses:

And now you know why 60% of small business(KnowBe4) hacked is out of business within six months.

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